The great restaurants of Lisbon

The great restaurants of Lisbon soon Michelin-starred 2017
The next Michelin guide (2017 edition) will be published on November 23, 2016. And this edition will dedicate the Portuguese gastronomy. Indeed, according to statements by Ángel Pardo, the director of external relations of the Michelin Guide, Portugal will double the number of Michelin stars awarded to these restaurants compared to 2016, from 17 to 34. This announcement has makes a bombshell in Portugal and everyone is trying to determine now what will be the tables to receive their first star and those who will be rewarded with a second star. Less than a month from the revelation of the new Michelin Guide, I list here the tables of Lisbon that are likely to appear with stars thanks to the information that I was able to recover in the Portuguese press.
This is an exceptional year for Portuguese gastronomy, the best in terms of stars for many years. Some observers note that this doubling of the stars in Portugal also certainly reflects a certain revival among inspectors of the Michelin guide, more open to Portugal. However, note that the inspectors of Portuguese restaurants continue to be Spanish.
Which restaurants in Lisbon will get their first star in the Michelin Guide?
Several establishments are being approached by the Portuguese media as the next star restaurants in Lisbon. Here is the list :
Alexandre Silva is the winner of an edition of Top Chef in Portugal. Many experts claim that this restaurant was designed to propel the chef to his first Michelin star. The proposed cuisine (14 or 18 services) is avant-garde, the atmosphere of the place is refined but not formal. The service is impeccable, the restaurant does not serve any dish à la carte. It is the chef who decides the menu every day through these dishes, also called “moments”.
The Alma restaurant was born from the ambition of a catering entrepreneur, Rui Sanches, who wanted to create a high gastronomy establishment. Chef Henrique Sá Pessoa was already working for his establishments. Since the creation of the restaurant’s card and its inauguration, it is clear that this establishment aims a star. It should not be very far this year. Henrique’s cuisine knows perfectly how to combine the ingredients and the flavor of the dishes is described as “staggering” by many critics.
Chef Ana Moura worked at the famous Basque restaurant, the Arzak . Now she is back in Portugal and is still in haute cuisine with Cave 23, the restaurant of Torel Palace Hotel. The Portuguese critics were so far relatively severe with this table, especially with the quality of service. Let’s wait for the revelation of the stars of the next Michelin Guide.